AI Unleashed: Pioneering the Future in ASEAN and Malaysia's Tech Landscape
08-24, 10:00–10:45 (Asia/Kuala_Lumpur), JC 1

As the ASEAN Partner Development Manager for Independent Software Vendors at Microsoft, Daphne's role involves collaborating with regional companies to shape and implement their strategic business initiatives. With the advent of Azure Open AI, Microsoft has embarked on a mission to empower their partners by integrating AI into their solutions, revolutionizing industries such as HR, Retail, Healthcare, Financial Services, and Sustainability.

In Daphne's keynote, she will explore the implications of AI infusion for these sectors, delving into the unique challenges organizations encounter, including talent acquisition, skill development, security, and compliance. She will shed light on the nuances of developing AI-driven solutions, from proof of concept to production, highlighting the ease and complexities of this transformative journey.

A special focus will be placed on Malaysian companies, examining their progress and positioning in the AI arena. Her presentation aims to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the current AI landscape, the obstacles faced, the potential unlocked, and the emerging trends and future prospects we anticipate in the industry. Join Daphne as we navigate the exciting and ever-evolving world of AI in ASEAN and beyond.

Daphne is the Partner Solution Architect at Microsoft. She has 20+ years of experience in tech, taught coding in Python, C#, JavaScript, etc, mentored juniors in tech, and is the past director of Women Who Code - Kuala Lumpur.